Sick Of It (2024)

Sick Of It Artwork
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  1. Sick Of It

Welcome to earth. Our world has gone crazy recently. This song is for mankind.

No Way (2023)

No Way Artwork
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Stream No Way on Spotify


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Apple Music

Song list and lyrics

  1. No Way

Sometimes, people are so hurt in their feelings that they protect themselfes by building a wall. And sometimes, that wall so high that there is no way to get trough.

Run Away (2023)

Run Away Artwork
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Apple Music

Song list and lyrics

  1. Run Away

Sometimes everything is just too much and you want to run away. Being more than eight years in the making and taking two bands to complete, this art itself was running away but has finally arised out from the ashes.

Handmade Bastard (2022)

Our debut album. 12 songs, raw, loud and honest! Everything done by ourselfes - songwriting, recording, producing, mixing, mastering... this truly is a handmade bastard.

“Rock with a swiss heart.” - SRF3 Rock special

“9 out of 10. Buy it and listen terribly loud!” -

“9 out of 10. I really loved it” -

“Explosive Rock'N'Roll from Switzerland” - Frontstage Magazine

“One of my favourite discoveries this year” - Lets talk about music Podcast